Monthly Archives: February 2020

Creating Bowls From Natural Resources


wooden kitchenThere are a lot of beautiful things created with wood. Wood is loved for the creation of everything from end tables to bedroom suits. We aren’t talking about the fake wood, with wallpaper spread over it, but the beautiful natural type. The stuff that has been planed down to create a flat surface. These woods are also useful in our home and in more ways than you may realize. For instance, did you know that creating bowls from natural resources, like wood, is increasingly popular with many?

The Beauty of Wood

wooden cutting boardThink of a cutting board or a countertop in your kitchen. These items can be made from wood and set a very warmth to any kitchen area. The most popular types of wood for countertops are going to be walnut, teak, oak, maple, and more. Each one is beautiful, natural, and outstanding to work with.

Then you have cutting boards, which can be a solid piece of wood or wood types that are woven together to create a flat surface. Some of the most popular for cutting boards are teak, beech, maple. They are strong woods that look very beautiful, especially with a protective coating over them.

Wood adds a simple yet elegant feel to all types of things. Perhaps this is the main reason that so many people are crafting everyday household items from them.

Everyday Household Items in Wood

burl bowlsHave you ever gone to a restaurant and noticed that they served salad in a wooden bowl? Often, they can still be plastic, but they look awesome. In other cases, they may be made using maple, cherry, or black walnut. Creating bowls from wood isn’t always easy. You have the option to simply carve out a bowl or use the burls of a tree.

The most common and popular tree burl bowls are made from buckeye, maple, redwoods, walnuts, teak, and bald cypress. However, this is not all-inclusive. There are several species of trees that form burls and all can be used in creating a beautiful natural wood bowl, without damaging the trees we love, which is also important for many people.

Creating Your Own Wood Projects

You can find tutorials all over the internet based on how to create amazing pieces of furniture using wood. There are also tutorials on creating other household items such as plates, burl bowls, and more. Each of these projects can make you feel good when you walk into your home. They are rustic, elegant, and 100% natural. If you create your own household items, you can impress others with your skills. However, for many people, it is easier to simply embrace the rustic flair without having to find the perfect tree, burls, and tools to get the job done. This choice is yours and only yours to make. We are simply here to say that it is possible to love your home a little more!