Author: MappingRural

Efficient Rural Power Source Solutions

rural lifeThere is something to be said for country living. Things are simpler, quieter, and more relaxing if you can ditch the city and spend your time in the country. Those who live in rural areas are able to experience these relaxation areas every day of their lives. They can farm, they can have pets without leashes, and more. The downside to it is the fact that they also need to discover efficient rural power source solutions. Otherwise, things can get messy pretty quickly.

The Pleasures of Country Living

barnOften, people go to the country to escape their reality. They go camping in off the grid locations. They rave about the fact that they are embracing the simple life for a short time. When its over, they say that they cannot wait to go back. They like the freedom, the peaceful quiet, the crickets chirping. They see this side of it and nothing more. In many ways, this is how it is to live in the most rural areas. However, there is another side to this tranquility.

The Downside of Rural

rural homesThe word, “downside” is a bit harsh, but it is kind of true. In Florida, or other coastal areas, where farms are located, a hurricane can wipe out power for weeks because rural areas are last on the list for repairs. During the summer months when storms roll in daily, power can potentially go out for a few hours. Then you must also consider that rural landowners could own acres of land. How do they work the fields in the “away from the home” areas or have a powered gate? It all ends up being a little tricky since most off-grid locations do still need power consistently.

Where does it come from? Is there an efficient power solution for rural areas? The answer is, “yes.” Many people who love the country rely on using solar power or generators. Most will try to find the most efficient generator for the most reasonable prices. Often, it ends up being something to do with solar power, which can generate enough power to keep their home’s most comfortable and their property functioning in all ways.

Embrace the Power of the Rural Areas

Solar power, generator power, whichever you choose is ideal for rural areas. They do not damage the crops, the animals, or anything else. However, they do still allow you to live comfortably without worry about when the next power outages will occur. This is a blessing that most rural landowners are tickled about since no one wants to be without power and all that it can provide for us in today’s world.

The good news is that this type of backup power isn’t just useful in rural America. City lovers can enjoy the same benefits and rewards by choosing to have a power source within their reach at all times.


5 Reclaimed Wood Uses

reclaimed wood wallIn today’s world, we have all learned the importance of using reclaimed wood. You take wood from a pallet to make other things or use wood from a dresser to create something new. You repurpose everything that you can, which ensures that it will remain useful for years to come. To learn more, read on to learn about 5 reclaimed wood uses that may surprise you.

Bedroom Set

In the bedroom, you can use reclaimed wood for your bed’s frame headboard or footboard. To do this, you would need wood planks, such as those found on a pallet, and build a frame. You can stain the wood different colors to create a pattern if you want or you can keep it basic. Either way, the end result will be impressive.

As a bonus, if you have wood left over, you can apply the same techniques and patterns to dresser tops and more. You may even decide to build a reclaimed wood bench for your bedroom.


reclaim wood tableSome people love the look of wood ceilings. Either full wood slats running across the ceiling or simple wooden beams. These ceilings can make any room in your home look more rustic and beautiful. However, if you would rather not have the wood on your ceiling, the floor is always an option.

In both cases, you can clean the wood and protect it from future damage by using any number of sealants that are available. You also have the option to stain or varnish it to make it stand out in color. Simply imagine dark wood on your ceilings or floor and bright white everywhere else in your kitchen.

Kitchen Tables, Counters, and More

Did you know that you can turn a simple fallen tree into a beautiful epoxy resin table? It is true. You would need someone to create a wooden slab (unless you have the tools yourself). This table could be shaped into a square or more natural with dips and curves along the edge.

If you aren’t sure you want a river table or bar, you can create countertops out of pallet wood. Cabinet faces with reclaimed wood are also possible. You get to decide and the same techniques can be carried over to your living room and more.

Shelves/Shadow Boxes

wood toysWhen working with reclaimed wood, not all pieces may be usable. You may have smaller pieces of wood leftover from previous projects. The beauty of this is that you can use those smaller pieces to create art. This is how mantles, shelves, and wooden shadow boxes come in. Using scraps of wood, you can create shelves that have large or small spaces. You can create window boxes for plants during the spring. The options and potential uses are endless.

Toys for Kids

Considering we view no wood piece as something that should be wasted, we also suggest using reclaimed wood to create toys for the children in your life. You can easily make wooden cars, trains, planes, and more. If you have a lot of wood left over, a toy box or storage bin for your child could also be good. A little girl may like having a wooden dollhouse. You could use the wood to create letter tiles that spell out that child’s name. The only restriction to where creative wood uses can take you is your imagination.


Creating Bowls From Natural Resources


wooden kitchenThere are a lot of beautiful things created with wood. Wood is loved for the creation of everything from end tables to bedroom suits. We aren’t talking about the fake wood, with wallpaper spread over it, but the beautiful natural type. The stuff that has been planed down to create a flat surface. These woods are also useful in our home and in more ways than you may realize. For instance, did you know that creating bowls from natural resources, like wood, is increasingly popular with many?

The Beauty of Wood

wooden cutting boardThink of a cutting board or a countertop in your kitchen. These items can be made from wood and set a very warmth to any kitchen area. The most popular types of wood for countertops are going to be walnut, teak, oak, maple, and more. Each one is beautiful, natural, and outstanding to work with.

Then you have cutting boards, which can be a solid piece of wood or wood types that are woven together to create a flat surface. Some of the most popular for cutting boards are teak, beech, maple. They are strong woods that look very beautiful, especially with a protective coating over them.

Wood adds a simple yet elegant feel to all types of things. Perhaps this is the main reason that so many people are crafting everyday household items from them.

Everyday Household Items in Wood

burl bowlsHave you ever gone to a restaurant and noticed that they served salad in a wooden bowl? Often, they can still be plastic, but they look awesome. In other cases, they may be made using maple, cherry, or black walnut. Creating bowls from wood isn’t always easy. You have the option to simply carve out a bowl or use the burls of a tree.

The most common and popular tree burl bowls are made from buckeye, maple, redwoods, walnuts, teak, and bald cypress. However, this is not all-inclusive. There are several species of trees that form burls and all can be used in creating a beautiful natural wood bowl, without damaging the trees we love, which is also important for many people.

Creating Your Own Wood Projects

You can find tutorials all over the internet based on how to create amazing pieces of furniture using wood. There are also tutorials on creating other household items such as plates, burl bowls, and more. Each of these projects can make you feel good when you walk into your home. They are rustic, elegant, and 100% natural. If you create your own household items, you can impress others with your skills. However, for many people, it is easier to simply embrace the rustic flair without having to find the perfect tree, burls, and tools to get the job done. This choice is yours and only yours to make. We are simply here to say that it is possible to love your home a little more!


Mapping the Earth

seafloor mappingMost people do not think about the fact that we have to know so much about our world and a lot of it comes through mapping it out. There are people devoted to mapping our oceans, our lands, and even what may be within the Earth’s core. Each part of mapping the Earth is important. We gain massive amounts of information from each new area mapped out.

What We Discover by Mapping Oceans

It is pretty easy to see why we map landmasses. How else would we get where we are going if we didn’t have a map that could guide us? This does not help us when we are in the ocean does it? The truth is, we can learn massive amounts of information by looking deep into the ocean.

The biggest benefit of mapping the ocean is that we can study areas of shallow water, which can be very useful in telling where it is safe for ships to travel. It ensures that they do not hit land. Beyond the safety and defense of the US, we also need to understand the waterways and how it may impact the weather.

For instance, a tsunami is caused by an earthquake that takes place in the ocean. Plates shift and waves form. It can wipe out entire areas. The best way to try and know when or if it may happen is to know where fault lines may be located.

The problem is, it is difficult to map the ocean and it can be time-consuming. Therefore, we still do not know everything that we can learn based on the bottom of our ocean floors.

What Do We Learn From Mapping Land?

early land maps Land mapping is a little easier to see and understand. We map land so that we can see how large it is, where borders and boundaries are, how to travel from here to there, and more. Mapping makes it easy for us to see where mountains are located as well as other features of our Earth.

For this reason, the idea of mapping has been something we have done since ancient Greek and Roman times. For as far back as we have been researching our history, there have been those who wanted to map things out to see what was there. Now, we have more high-tech mapping abilities, but it does not change that some of the information on our maps today began with them.

What you may not consider is that you can also learn more. We can see settlement patterns. With thermal mapping, we can see where there is a higher risk of pollution in the atmosphere. There are several different types of maps and we can learn a little more about our world with each one.

Our Earth’s Core? Mapping It Matters, Too!

earths coreWe know that Earth is made up of four layers. In the core, we have a solid iron ball. It measures about 1,500 miles in diameter. It is extremely hot and estimates are that it is approximately 9,000 and 13,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It is surrounded by a liquid iron shell that is around 1,400 miles thick. It is what keeps us on our magnetic center.

The next layer is the mantle. It is around 1,800 miles thick and divided into the upper and lower mantle. In the mantle, you will discover molten rock flowing in a slow-moving river. You may know it better as molten lava, but it is actually rock.

Currents within this mantle are broken into blocks or plates. They move around and occasionally collide to build mountains and other things.

The crust of one of those plates is what forms the continents that we live in. It is the river beds and ocean floors. This is the easy stuff to learn about. The inner stuff can only be done through studying movements on the crust.